The Military Family Relief Trust Fund was created to provide a lifeline to currently serving members of all reserve components in Arkansas, including the Arkansas Army and Air National Guard, the Army Reserve, the Air Force Reserve, the Navy Reserve, and the Marine Corps Reserve.
The trust fund provides emergency assistance to ALL members of the reserve component in Arkansas when unexpected financial emergencies arise. These financial assistance programs help meet immediate financial needs and help make a positive step towards lasting financial solutions.
The assistance is intended to help reserve component members stabilize emergency situations. The collaborative process includes helping the member, or their family, create a budget for long term financial security while stabilizing the immediate need through non-interest loans, grants, or a combination of the two.

The guard is always present when disaster strikes. The Foundation intends to be there for Guardsmen when disaster strikes them.
Vilonia 2014 Tornado Damage

Arkansas Guard Helicopter searches Mayflower, 2014
Examples of areas where service members have pursued Community Block Grants instead of the Military Family Relief Trust Fund:
Funeral Expense Assistance – for Non DEERS Enrolled Dependents (Parents and Dependents) | Cremation or equivalent)
TRICARE Reserve Select Initial Premiums – Tricare requires 2 Months in advance to start Healthcare coverage. For a family is $229.00 per month or a total of $458 required to start coverage or restart lapsed coverage
Homelessness Prevention Funding – Temporary Housing / Rental expenses associated with short-term housing, such as for billeting at one of the Military Posts until housing can be secured
Mortgage Funding Assistance
Utility Assistance – Money for Deposits to start new service or restore service.
Deposits for rentals and/or utility services
Emergency Home Repairs (Fire, Flood, Tornado, etc.)
Pre-paid Cell Phones – to assist members while applying for benefits or employment.